ufw, fail2ban and blocking portscans oh my!

I just wanted to write down some issues I had as a reminder to myself and some notes that other people might find useful. I want to be able to setup some automatic host based firewall rules for some servers I look after so help mitigate any possible brute force attacks and general nastiness that you get on the internet. To do this I’m going to install UFW, fail2ban and setup some filters and actions in fail2ban to use information from UFW on Ubuntu 14.
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google authenticator for ssh

Previously I posted on how to make some changes to SSH to improve it’s security. One of the configuration options I said to change was to disable password authentication. I want to cover how you can keep password authentication enable by using 2-factor authentication powered by Google Authenticator. what is it? Two-factor authentication (also known as 2FA) provides unambiguous identification of users by means of the combination of two different components.
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free html webhosting

I wanted to cover off how I currently host this blog for free using a number of services being offered by different companies. what do you need this days? This website has a few moving parts: Blog software Webhosting SSL Certificates SSL Forwarding The following post describes how I managed to get all of the above setup for free. Blog Software I’m currently using jekyll to for my blogging software. This allows me to create a bunch of files and using some Ruby markup the files into a HTML blog.
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