managing external puppet modules

I had a co-worker ask me about upgrading puppet modules and I thought I’d share the information I spoke to them about. Writing individual puppet modules for a client can be a time consuming process. Luckily for us puppet modules for common tasks have been written and published. Using these modules enables the Systems Administrator to cut down on the amount of code they need to write and manage. However, things get tricky when you’re managing multiple environments (change controlled puppet deployments!
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testing puppet

I’d like to cover some information about how you can test puppet modules. I’ve seen a lot of companies creating puppet modules and testing them via direct deployments onto machines. Or worst yet making changes to manifests without any testing at all. The world of puppet testing can seem quite daunting but with the following paragraphs I hope to show you that you can make some very small changes to how you develop puppet modules that will hopefully save you from some very bad situations.
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