setting up ssh & byobu

Like a lot of Unix Administrators I spend most of my day staring at a ssh session. I thought today I’d write about how I connect to servers. Currently I use a windows laptop to do most of my work. This OS was mainly chosen for a couple of reasons. If I have Linux as my desktop I tend to do most of my development work on the desktop and forget to sync it to the projects I’m working on often enough.
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passing variables from shell scripts to gnu make

Make is a really useful tool when you want to be able to write simple jobs. You don’t just need to use it for compiling source code. One thing you may wish to do is be able to pass variables to make commands. Lets take a look at a pretty simple Makefile that will delete all the indexes in Elastic Search. endpoint := localhost:9200 all: curl -XDELETE ${endpoint}/_all Running ‘make’ will spawn curl and delete the localhost:9200/_all
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